Saturday, April 7, 2012

Calendar Math and a Slacking Blogger

    Happy Saturday Morning to Everyone!  It is 8:16 am my time, and I have already been busy pinning away on Pinterest and stalking researching many wonderful blogs from amazing teachers.  Time has gotten away from me, and this is my first post on this great blog that Misty has created. (Hence I am the Slacking Blogger)  I wanted to share one of the first freebies I found when I started, umm, researching. 

Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6 has shared her Calendar Math resources on her blog. This is geared towards upper grades. 

    This link to Teaching in Room 6 will take you her Calendar Math.  The worksheet portion is free at her TPT store.  I started using this in January, adapted to our curriculum of course, and my students are rocking it now! In fact, our 4th and 6th grade have also adapted this practice sheet for their curriculum.  This is a great way to work independently, small group, or whole group practicing skills that students may need more practice.  My extra tip for Calendar Math; try creating a Power Point, then you can view or print out the slides for  your students.  Enjoy! 

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  1. Thanks for the reminder that I need to download this and start it!


    Fun in Room 4B

  2. I just bought the whole Calendar Math set from her. It's fantastic!

  3. It is fantastic! Enjoy; she has such a wonderful blog!
