Saturday, March 17, 2012

Teachers Taking Care of Teachers

I don't like to post anything but free resources for Grades 3-6 but I feel so passionately about this cause that I am making an exception.

Kreative in Kinder is the heart behind this project.

There are 726 teachers who were affected by the tornado damage. 726 classrooms without supplies. So far, 121 teachers have joined together to make a difference by opening their TpT & TN stores to those affected for free, by cleaning out their classrooms in a hunt for things they don't use or have extras of, by sending giftcards, or by creating and sending notes of encouragement.

There is still time to help even though the linky party is closed! Here is the link: Teachers Helping Teachers Sign-Up - Use this to make a difference in the lives of your fellow teachers! Ask your students to join you in writing letters of encouagement.

You may not think you are capable of making a difference but just knowing someone is out there, understands, and is cheering you on to victory can and does make all the difference!

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