Friday, August 31, 2012

Writing Posters

Hi everyone! I just created my latest freebie, which is a group of writing posters - it basically tells a sentence or two about each type of writing: descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive and creative writing.  I absolutely love scrappin doodles, graphics from the pond, and kevin and amanda fonts, so they are all included as well in my newest product :)
If you like what you see, I'd love if you gave me a shout out and become a follower :)
Click here for TPT users, and here for TN users! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Common Core meets CAFE

Want to line up your CAFE strategies with your new friend, Common Core?

Come grab the alignment my micromanaging self put together for those in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Speaking Presentation Form

If you do speaking topics in your class this handy form may be useful.

Read about it {HERE}

Friday, August 24, 2012

Balanced Literacy: Shared Reading

Simple training documents: a balanced literacy overview and shared reading planning documents. Used for grades 3 - 5.

Grab them free at Buzzing with Ms. B!

Best Free App to Boost Your Productivity

Looking for a way to improve your focus and get some extra sleep?  (Now what teacher would say no to that?!)   If so, check out my guest post over at The Teaching Thief to read about this fantastic free App I discovered last year that made HUGE improvements in my productivity (and sleep).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Writing Paper

This is cute but very simple writing paper I created for my students in our stationery section.  They typically would use some of these for Daily 5 and Free Writing.
There are some paper printables that have dotted lines for students in third grade learning cursive.  Scrappin doodles graphics were used :)
Check it out here!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Place Value Posters

While looking for place value games on TPT, I came across this awesome FREE resource!  Kristi, from Learning's a Hoot, created these great Place value posters!  They are so cute!  I am using them on my math word wall! Sorry I couldn't make the preview larger.  I had to use her thumbnail image.

Place Value Anchor Posters

Have fun!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Roll a Shape

Stop on over at my blog to read about a fun Lakeshore game for geometry and shapes.

I created this freebie for it.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Birthday Balloons!

One more version of the fun birthday balloons popping up all over blogs!

Grab them free at Buzzing with Ms. B!

Roll-A-Story Freebie

Check out this clever literacy dice game from Kristin Jordan at Reading Writing Thinking Sharing -

Just click on the picture above to grab it free from her TpT store.
For tons of other terrific free dice activities and ideas, just view her post here.
MsJordanRead: Reading Writing Thinking Sharing

Monday, August 13, 2012

Artifact Bag / Inferencing Activity Freebie

Here's a fun Get-To-Know-You Activity that's also a great way to introduce or reinforce the concept of inferencing.

If you like it, just head over to my blog to grab yours for free!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lava Lamp Science Experiment

Second Grade is Splendid has a wonderful Lava Lamp Experiment along with assessment :) Over 4,000 downloads, please check out this engaging activity!

Click here for the link!

I will have more freebies up soon for you :) Hope you are checking out the awesome back to school sales on Teachers Pay Teachers and Teacher's Notebook!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Classroom Freebies

I'll admit, I've been a little MIA!  I blame it on pretty weather and a busy summer. I'm back though with only 20 days left before B2S for me.  My classroom theme this year is Polka-dots and Chevron.  Here are some freebies for you to grab!

Clock Minute Intervals
Happy Birthday Cards 

Welcome Pennant Banner ( I wish I had a finished one to show! I need a laminator...)

Grab them at 

I'll be back with some more Freebies soon! 

Parent Contact Sheet Freebie

Although many school districts have student and parent contact information available online through programs such as School Tool, I still always like to have a paper copy of that information. This form includes areas for both student and parent/guardian contact information (name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc..) It also includes several survey questions to be completed by the parent about their child's strengths, areas of weakness, goals, and motivation. 
I've left it in Word format so you can add or delete questions, change the background, etc to customize the form any way you want it.
Just click on the picture above to head over to my blog to check it out!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Show Me Sunday: Educational Time Fillers

Ready or not, school is right around the corner for most of us. For this month's Show Me Sunday, I'd love to read about your educational time fillers. No matter how carefully we plan and prepare, we all run into those empty pockets of time occasionally. Maybe the bathroom break before specials went just a little bit faster than it usually does or our science experiment went up in smoke (literally!). In moments like that, a simple educational time filler can be your best friend. I'm hoping this month's linky party will give you lots of new ideas. Please link up with me by sharing your favorite go-to activities to fill those few extra minutes of "down time" we sometimes get during the day.

I went first and shared several of my ideas over on my blog, Ms. Fultz's Corner. Click on over to read all about them and then link up to share yours too. I can't wait to try out your new ideas!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yearly Planning Guide

Every year at the start of the year,  Simone uses this planning guide to map out her curriculum for the whole year. It is divided into 4 marking periods and it is broken up by week. It is marked with her district's marking periods/days off, but because it's a word document you can easily tweak it to work for you.  Thanks, Simone!
   Hop on over to get your freebie:  Simone's Math Resources

Happy Planning! 

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